The Great Taurean Return
Occasionally, all the planets line up in the same zodiacal sign, notably the Great Libran Return of 16 September 1186, and the Great Aquarian return of 5 February 1962 (moviegoers may recognise this date as the alleged birthday of the Anti-Christ!). The next occurs on 3 May 2000 when all the planets known to the ancients line up in Taurus. This chart shows the closest  zodiacal conjunction, because a moment later Mars escapes into the sign of Gemini. Since astronomers don't use zodiac signs, they will quote a different, later time when the planets are closer together.
Astrologers have predicted earthquakes and flooding at this time from studying this chart, an idea amusingly rubbished by Patrick Moore on television recently, who pointed out that the combined gravitational pull of all the planets is microscopic compared to that of the Moon, which circles the Earth every 28 days. This is undisputed, but the predictions are based on astrological interpretation, not physics!

This page was last updated on 12/06/03